Thursday, April 26, 2012

Going South

This is a picture that I took on the summer of 2009 if I remember well. At first sight it may only appear as a picture of a fishing boat over the ocean but actually what is great about this picture it's what is going on on the other side of the camera as usual, this is a picture I took while me, my family and a family friends of us were on a travel to the south of Chile, the main destination was Chiloé but as my family were on a motorhome and our friends were on tents we didn't really have only one destination, we was actually jus wandering arround any place we were feeling like sightseeing so we finally spent like three or four days of the almost two weeks of our trip visiting Chiloé and the rest of the time we was driving from camping to camping arround Puerto Varas, Puerto Montt and all the beautiful national parks on that area, but im getting away from the photo history.

This photo in particular it was taken from a ferry that I don't really remember from where we took it but I do remember that the road, including the ferry belongs to the "carretera austral", so my father was really excited to go on the carretera austral as south as we could go so we took this one ferry and while we were traveling for like one hour more or less I went to a high deck and look to the ocean and saw this beautiful sceen of this nice and quiet fishing boat over the ocean with the Chiloé island on the back.

My father sold the motorhome now, so I always like to look at pictures like this one to remember the great trips and landscapes we used to witness not so much ago.

Hope you like the pic.

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